Senin, 04 Agustus 2008

Conection MySQL with Command Line (Dos) - MySQL

now, i'm shared to you, how connection mysql with command line or dos, if you don't know, lets go watch this video. Enjoy

Kamis, 31 Juli 2008

Create Menu - VB

in this time, video tutorial create menu in aplication vb, watch this video

Selasa, 29 Juli 2008

Open Browser - Mozilla Firefox

can you open browser with mozilla firefox, know you ? catch this movie wacth out.

or you can follow the instructions :
1. you click the start
2. you choose the programs
3. you select list internet tools
4. you click mozilla firefox
5. and the windows show

god bless you...enjoy it

Open New File - Word

now, you can watch how open the new file, when you finish work. Catch this movie

Senin, 28 Juli 2008

Open The Microsoft Word

For this tutorial you can wacth, how open the microsoft word

cath this and wacth the movie

Selasa, 08 Juli 2008

Studied With Video Tutorial

On this time, you can study with everything else, for this example, with video.

And on side blog I want share my knowledge with this blog, I hope you enjoy with my experience for smart people in the world.

God bless for me..^^Y